Many commercial property owners have given little thought to their roof flashing. In fact, they may not even know what roof flashing is, much less the signs that this crucial component is on the verge of failing. If deteriorating roof flashing is left to rot unchecked, the result is often leaking, which turns into floods and leaves the structure prone to collapse.

Roof flashing keeps commercial roofing systems dry and stable.

It consists of a thin layer of water-repellent metal. In addition to repelling rainwater and snow melt, roof flashing is also designed to divert moisture away from areas of your roof vulnerable to water damage.

As you can imagine, worn and faulty flashing results in not just leaks but also mold. Moldy roofs create insidious maintenance problems. It tends to creep in slowly over time, giving it space to grow unnoticed until it becomes a significant problem.

Mold remediation is expensive, and the last thing you want is to discover it while completing another capital improvement project. The unwelcome discovery of this hidden hazard can blow your budget and leave you scrambling to raise funds for unexpected mold remediation.

What Causes Damage to Roof Flashing?

Roof flashing may be designed to protect your roof from the elements, but like the rest of your roof, it is not impervious to damage. Over time, metal fatigue, rust, and dampness take their toll. Eventually, it must break down, destroying its effectiveness. Knowing what causes roof flashing damage, you can anticipate when it may be time to inspect your roof and possibly order new flashing.

Common causes of roof flashing deterioration include the following:

Old Age

Time takes its toll on all structures. As your building and roof age, you will need a larger maintenance budget. Part of that budget needs to address roof flashing.

Educating yourself on your roofing system helps you budget accurately. If you recently purchased a commercial building or are considering acquiring one, review the property’s plans, roofing warranties, and any other related documentation. Depending on the roof’s age, you may be entitled to benefits if the flashing fails.

Harsh Climates

Whether your building stands in sun-baked Phoenix, Arizona, or snowbound Minneapolis, harsh climates and bad weather take their toll. High temperatures result in the metal contracting and expanding. In addition, in climates with large night and day temperature differentials and seasonal temperature variances, the flashing is in a near-constant state of flux. This stress speeds up the metal fatigue process, leaving your roof vulnerable.

Installation Errors

You always want a roofing pro to install your flashing. When placed incorrectly, flashing can detach over time or due to the next storm. When this happens, your roof loses its vital protection, leaving you with a moldy, leaky ceiling.

Settling Foundation

Buildings settle over time, and these micro movements impact roof flashing. If your flashing is coming undone, have it inspected by a roofing pro. He or she can detect if the flashing problems originate with the foundation.

What Signs of Damage Should You Look For?

Scheduling an annual roof inspection saves commercial building owners a lot of headaches. Detecting problems while they remain small saves you a ton of money in the long run. If your flashing shows signs of deterioration, it can be fixed before serious damage compromises the roof. Once the water seeps in, you’ll have to replace the flashing and fix more expensive problems.

So what should you be on the lookout for? If you see any of the following signs of flashing decay, it’s time to schedule a roof repair:

    • Rust
    • Paint chips
    • Holes in the flashing, including small perforations
    • Missing flashing sections, especially after weather events
    • Water damage to the siding or shingles
    • Water leaks from the roof

Any of these signs of damage means that your roof is in danger. The costs of ignoring this urgent maintenance are far greater than replacing bad flashing. When you notice flashing damage, contact a roofing professional. Poor installation defeats the purpose of flashing and can leave your roof vulnerable to leaks and other damaging events. Flashing serves a key purpose, but once it’s compromised, it’s like having no flashing at all.

MacDermott Roofing in the Detroit works with every roofing system and helps Michigan businesses stay dry and efficient. If you are noticing issues with your current roof, it may be time for an inspection. With a proper commercial roof inspection, you can address issues and put a plan of action in place. Our roofing services include roof repair and maintenance, new roof installation, replacement and more. Interested in a Duro-Last roofing system? Call us to learn about its benefits. Free Estimates